What better way to start off a blog about the creation of our marriage and our particular styles then by posting a little something about where we got married. http://www.yaddo.org/garden/

Yaddo was literally beautiful. We really couldn't have found anywhere more remarkable (other than a Temple of course : ) to get married. It fit us perfectly and it was cheap, easy, and so stress and drama free. Just the way we to try to make things.
A quick background on the actual garden:
Spencer and Katrina Trask bought the estate in 1881. He wanted to build a garden for his wife to represent romance and creativity, so he built this garden. Their mansion burnt down not long after that, so they went on to build their official mansion, which was completed in 1893. They had four children who all died before they did so they gave their estate, upon their death, to establish a center for the Arts. It's now used as an artists' retreat where they can go and get inspiration.
Edgar Ellen Poe wrote part of The Raven there!
A quick background on how we found it:
Ross and I had looked EVERYWHERE and were having no luck! We wanted the wedding to be held on a beach but couldn't find any that were up to par. So after a long day of searching and driving everywhere I finally said we should look at Yaddo. I kept bugging Ross about how I really wanted to go there, even before we got engaged because I had heard they were really nice but Ross had gone before but it had been in the late fall, early winter so it wasn't anywhere near as beautiful as it is in the summer. So he didn't think it would be that great. So long story short we went anyways and found this : )
(That's my man setting up chairs!)
So we fell in love with it and I had him call the next day to check details and we both prayed that it would be:
1. Cheap enough
Ross called me at work at 9:10 the next morning (it had opened at 9) to tell me that it was $1000 (Way over our budget) and booked until next year. After a mini heart attack and a huge sigh which was about to be followed by tears, my husband to be told me he was joking and that it was very reasonably priced and it was all booked. (I punched him later and told him no more jokes until after the wedding) : )
My favorite part of the garden was the sundial. Spencer had a poem inscribed by his good friend Henry Van Dyke.
Too slow for those who wait
Too swift for those who fear
Too long for those who grieve
Too short for those who rejoice
But for those who Love Time is
Too slow for those who wait
Too swift for those who fear
Too long for those who grieve
Too short for those who rejoice
But for those who Love Time is
love the last picture of you and Ross <3