
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Last of the holidays....

So here is the last holiday post. I know that was so 2 weeks ago but I never got to post our holiday card and I have a few hilarious (I looked like a scumbag) pictures from Christmas.

Our first Holiday Card :)

And a few from Malone....

Us on Christmas morning :)

My father in law rolling in all the wrapping paper. :)

Ross surprised me with the Cake Decorating Kit for my class that started two weeks ago. (blog soon) :)

Truman (Ross' Dog) before going to open presents. LOL.

Bach playing video games.

TONS of food.

It was a really great weekend. We loved it. :)

Now I'm off to finish cleaning the house and MAYBE finally getting around to making pillowcases for our bedroom.

**You might be asking, "Wow isn't Cathy supposed to be at work right now? She doesn't even have time to make breakfast most days." WELL you see the Capital region woke up with this view from their window this morning...........

Picture above = snow day for Cathy.

Have a great day!
